The objective of the design for Curtain Wall firestop joint barrier is to save lifes and  increase the reliability of the fire penetration at facades, construction joints and other applications. The product like the Elastometric fire resistant sealant, e.g. Fischer CFR 640 or rapid fire seal, are with international approval, and widely accepted in many places include Malaysia.


The Firestop Products used may come with international approval and etc, but sometimes client would like to find out if it was installed according to standard and specification, that is when Defix Concrete Products Sdn Bhd curtain wall firestop barrier smoke test service is able to check if the firestop barrier installed is able to perform by artificially creating smoke at the bottom of the barrier at client’s specified location, and checking if there are any weak points on top, and finally present a report within 7 working days to client on the test.